Welcome to the FlyerTalk / MilePoint - United Forum
We are all United Mini-DO
payment site!

FlyerTalk and MilePoint members are invited to attend the United forum We are all United Mini-DO on April 2, 2011. Event details are available at the above link.

All participants must be registered and paid in advance. No walk-ins will be allowed!

To register and pay for the event, enter your FlyerTalk or MilePoint handle and name below. Indicate the names of any additional guests in the 'Additional info' field. Next, press "Pay Now." You will then be taken to PayPal where you can pay for a non-FlyerTalk/MilePoint guest by changing the quantity field and pressing, "Update."

To complete registration you must do the following:

  • Properly complete all of the fields on this form.
  • Post in the FlyerTalk Thread for the event.
  • Complete payment formalities before the payment deadline.
FlyerTalk / MilePoint handle:  Add +1 for a guest
First name:
Last name:
Cellphone #
Additional info:  Guest name, etc.
To pay for more than one guest, change the quantity field on the next screen and press 'update' for your total.